Sunday, August 10, 2014


WARNING: this post may be long.

I finished up the 10 day cleanse.. The only reason I like the cleanse is because it makes me feel lighter and especially if your diet has been a bit out of whack.. It's like a fresh start! 

What I {personally} don't like about it is that it isn't realistic for me. Like, I'm practicing moderation for all foods. Trying to be strict dieter, not a restricted one. The cleanse doesn't allow sweets. I heard on the Dr.'s TV show this week from a lady who lost a BUNCH of weight was, "If I can't see myself doing this {referring to what she eats} for the rest of my life, then I won't do it. It's not realistic to say I can't have cookies because I will eat cookies for the rest of my life". All about moderation, baby! 

I've been pondering about somethings... I decided that if I just did the max phase for about 4 weeks instead of just two, I'd have better results than the cleanse! {Note to self for challenges to come..} The cleanse just isn't realistic for me. But, I do love the way it made me feel!

Random selfie after squats.. 

My little monster and I post-cardio day. Running {in my case, jogging} with Thor is 100x better than myself. He's ridiculously fast and it motivates me to keep up with him. 

This is definitely how I felt after jogging in the heat...

What keeps you motivated during a hard workout?! Comment at the bottom and let me know! 

Now, for the good part. FOOD!!!

My go-to lunch, like, everyday! 

What you'll need:
1 tortilla shell {I use whole wheat}
1 Laughing Cow cheese wedge {I LOVE the variety of flavors of this brand..}
Lettuce {How much or little as you want}
Lunch meat {Roast beef was used}

How to assemble:
Lay tortilla shell out.

Spread your cheese onto tortilla shell. 

Take your lunch meat and lay out on tortilla shell. 
Lay lettuce on top.

Roll up tortilla and EAT! Nom nom nom. 

And that's a WRAP folks! 

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